Order a Taxi in Bonn by text-message or by phone call!
Order now!

Order a Taxi by phone:
0049-175- 8308305
0049-163- 7427512
Note: 0049 is Country Code for Germany. If you call with a German Phone replace 0049 with a O (zero).

Order a Taxi by SMS:
0049-175- 8308305
0049-163- 7427512
Note: 0049 is Country Code for Germany. If you call with a German Phone replace 0049 with a O (zero).
How does a Taxi-Order by SMS work?
Send us a text-message with following Information:
- Adress (Where should we pick you up?).
- Destination Adress (What is your destination then?)
- Number of Passengers.
- Departure Time (Time you would like to be picked up?)
- Your Name.
You will immediately get a Call Back or a Confirmation SMS.
Online Reservation - (for later Departure Time)
Airport Service
We pick you up from every German Airport!
Here are the 3 nearest International Airports to Bonn:
Cologne Bonn Airport - (Airport CGN)
Distance: Bonn City - Cologne Bonn Airport = approx. 15,5 miles
Driving Time: Bonn City - Cologne Bonn Airport = approx. 22 minutes
Dusseldorf International Airport - (Airport DUS)
Distance: Bonn City - Dusseldorf Airport = approx. 53 miles
Driving Time: Bonn City - Dusseldorf Airport = approx. 55 minutes
Frankfurt Airport - (Airport FRA)
Distance: Bonn City - Frankfurt Airport = approx. 100 miles
Driving Time: Bonn City - Frankfurt Airport = approx. 90 minutes
Payment methods

We accept:
- Mastercard
- American Express
Airport Bonn, Airport Cologne, Dusseldorf Airport, Frankfurt Airport, Taxi Bonn, Cab in Bonn, Order Taxi Bonn, Airport Taxi Service, Taxi Reservation Bonn, Cab Taxi Bonn, Cab Taxi Service, Hotel Taxi Bonn, Hotels Bonn, Hotel Bonn, Bonn, Car in Bonn, Call a Taxi Bonn, Call a cab Bonn